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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

now and then

tengok bola live online..lepas ni tgok kat sini ja...slalu lupa link ni..boh kat blog senang ja ingat..

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Happy Birthday

bukan kebiasaan aku mengucapkan selamat hari lahir,malahan aku sendiri tidak pernah menyambut hari lahir..bagiku,hanya ibu yang melahirkan layak disambut,kerana dia yang bersusah payah melahirkan kita..tapi,atas kerana dia,aku masih mampu mengucapkannya..

ok,first of all,i'm sorry for all that ever happened between us..selamat hari lahir,semoga panjang umur dan dimurahkan rezeki..hope you happy for the rest of your life,find a good guy,get married,had a huge family with your husband..and,be confident of yourself..erm,what else?yeah,i love you...but please don't say a word,i know that's just can forget it..i just want to say,you are beautiful the way you are,so,don't say that you ugly and such thing,and please be strong..i know u go trough a hard time,and i am so sorry for not being there with sorry..and i'm sorry for not trying be a good friend for upsets just too strong..and sorry,i already buy a birthday present for you,a necklace but i'll throw it because of the incident(you know it),so,there's nothing i can give you for your birthday..sorry,sorry,sorry and sorry..just my wish and my pray for you..nothing special..and please click here = FOR YOU...and HERE..and here something i want you to listen a long time ago..i gave you the Cd but you said your PC can't play the please click HERE and enjoy the song...i notice you already smile and come back as cheerful as before..good...keep it up..keep smiling..and are amazing everytime you smile..ok,i guess that's all..i'm sorry if this not happened to be a 'wow' for you..but it is from my deepest heart,to say Happy Birthday and my love towards you never change even a bit..keep on smiling..

Monday, July 25, 2011

menanti hari...

jam:1.05 a.m...dan dah masuk 26.7.2011...lagi beberapa hari,sebelum aku post benda baru kat sini..satu ucapan ikhlas dari hati..29.7.2011..aku tunggu..dan lihat sama ada aku masih ada dalam otak dia...setiap hari bila ada mesej baru dalam inbox,aku berharap akan muncul mesej dari dia,tapi masih tak muncul..tapi,aku tak ralat..sebab aku yang nak macam tu..lagipun aku pernah kata,kalau ingatkan aku,tengok blog aku..x pasti sama ada dia masih ingat..apa-apa pun,29.7.2011,new post for you..present?no..i'm not used in celebrating..but,still want to wish it to you..terbaca aku tadi kat wall post opie,"A lucky men who get the first love from women,a lucky women who get the last love from a men. I wasted it cause I don't deserve it =')"..nampaknya kat sini,you are still lucky women...
afterall,my heart never change..but i'm not sure about you..nevermind,i'm pretty sure you feel nothing at the day i return to Him..just if you really still think about me,please text me.If not,please don't..that's speech to you..adios~

Sunday, July 24, 2011

sungguh ku cuba

kata orang seni itu kompleks,mahu setuju atau mahu bangkang?terkadang apa yang dilihat seni itu terlalu abstrak,sehinggakan mampu menyiratkan sejuta persoalan dari minda yang sarat..mofologi...metodologi..ianya hanya saluran..tujuan yang menjadi tunjang utama sesebuah hasil yang dikatakan seni..air kolam hanya satu lapangan tapi tujuan yang mengolahkannya ke visual khilaf mnyebabkan beribu cerita muncul dari warna - warna yang terpalit serabut..membentuk lukisan,kosong,tapi penuh cerita duka lara kehidupan..palsukah mata yang dilukis?tipukah wang yang difotokan?sungguh ku tidak paham..namun begitu,setiap hari,sungguh ku cuba..memahami manusia dan kehidupan..

The Invigilator

mengisahkan tentang seoarang guru pelatih yang cuba menyesuaikan diri dengan pelajar-pelajar yang dianggapnya sudah tiada harapan.namun,cubaannya tidak berjaya dan dia telah hilang kesabaran.muncul pula seorang guru yang mengubah pandangannya terhadap para pelajar."don't judge them,trust them"...kesimpulan tentang cerita pendek ini,random...random dari segi anggapan penonton selepas menonton filem ini..ya,pasti ada yang mengatakan ia hanya sebuah filem pendek klise,namun percayalah,endingnya diluar dogma dan jangkaan minda normal manusia..rating from1 to watch


WTF??who are you now??we have been friends since...standard 1!!just how many years it is??but since you study at that place,you came back as a psycho,maniac..what's wrong with you?24 hours facebooking??then you call people they are the servant of socialise chamber??haha...that was gross..come on,you just fooling yourself..don't you have something better to do??all of the sudden,you said you are upset with all our friends,just because they smoke weed??we are all growns up,no need for you to tell them which direction they have to take...yes,it's a good intention but,come on lah.they not a child day,they will realize what's the good and the bad..just give them time...why are you sulking anyway??i guess u are the child,u are the one who get culture-shock,and you are the one who should look at the back..they smoke weed,but i don't...but whatever it is,we are all the same since we start this 'circle of friends'..our attitude never are the one who change..a lot..please realise that my friends..


ok,we are done...why should i care about u anyway??after all those damn words u give me??but...why,u still hold my black heart after all that??let me go....don't come into my dream...don't ever look at me and wonder if i look at u,because i am!i just don't care,or don't want to care about u...that's all...but my eyes can't keep eyes told u a thousand is it?am i pathetic?yeah,i'm sure u don't want a smoker,rude,unmannered guys,just stop looking at me..just stop it...ok?as long as u don't forget that bastard,forget is simple as that...afterall,i miss u..but that doesn't meant we gonna have conversation or sort of,because i just don't want to...enough..